2019 MLB Season Win Totals Predictions
I really like checking in on Major League Baseball season win totals just as spring training is becoming rolling. It serves a couple of functions. First, it’s a great chance to consider each and every team and receive a sense of both what your expectations are and what the betting public is thinking. Secondly, and more significant, it’s a good exercise . By assessing back in August or so, you can remind yourself just how little you actually can understand about a team before they have played and how fast things can change. Some of the teams will do as we’ll expect them to. But others will probably be so far off these numbers that they will be almost unrecognizable. Here’s a look Whatsoever of the numbers set at BetOnline appropriate now:
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Arizona – over/under 74.5: This is one of many groups on this list that seems to keep coming near significance but really struggles to get over the hump. And this just is not going to be their year. I like the above, but because I like them to win about 78 matches, not because I like them to become great.
Atlanta – o/u 86.5: I like the youth on this team, and they’ve done a decent job of building on it. Odds would imply that they are the third-best team from the NL East. But when I had to pick 1 team to acquire it, this would be it. It might just be sentimentality, but I enjoy what they have going on. I like the above.
Baltimore – o/u 59.5: How pitiful is it the lowest number on the plank is not nearly low enough. This will be a horrifyingly poor group. Just dreadful. The under is solidly favored at -125, but even at that price it’s the ideal play.
Boston – o/u 94.5: I was convinced early on that the Red Sox were going to win the AL East. However, as things have gone , I have changed my mind and think they will finish second behind the Yankees. I see 95 wins, so there isn’t any worth in this number. I would take more than if I had to.
Chicago Cubs – o/u 88.5: At this point, I think one of three groups will win the NL Central, and they will take action with a win total somewhere in the low 90s. The problem, though, is that I can not decide which team it will be. I like things about all three – Milwaukee less than the others. The Cubs should bounce back to a disappointing end to an often-disappointing season, so I lean over.
Chicago White Sox – o/u 74.5: I am disappointed that the White Sox couldn’t get any grip with the big free agents, since I enjoy the upside down here. They have been bad for a long time, but they have done a fantastic job of rebuilding the proper way. I don’t think that they will contend or anything, but I like the above here.
Cincinnati – o/u 79.5: I’m watching Reds play in Chicago this summer, so I would really like for them to be at least decent. It would make for a much better game. Butunfortunately, this feels like a generous number. Like, five or six wins ample in my eyes. I will all over the under here.
Cleveland – o/u 90.5: There are 13 men who have been on the roster at the conclusion of last year who aren’t now. Stunning turnover. But they have talent still, along with the Central is a mess so they get a boost out of that. In any other division I’d lean under, but I lean above.
Colorado – o/u 84.5: Last year this group was a pleasant surprise. There are just a few things harder than following up a season like that. However, I really like that they stepped up for Nolan Arenado, also have reasonable faith in the young pitchers. I’m going over.
Detroit – o/u 68.5: When is the last time it felt just like the Tigers needed a strategy? It has been too long, and right now they seem to be just treading water. They are not any good and don’t appear to be moving towards respectability with any urgency. I hate where this team is right now. Very easy under.
Houston – o/u 96.5: This is a big number. Scary big. However, the Astros are my choice to win it all this year, and there’s so much explosiveness on this team. I need to go over – whether I like it or not.
Kansas City – o/u 69.5: The Royals reveal just how hard building a group is outside of a huge market. They slowly built, had their achievement, and they are only awful again – and it’s going to have a long while until that changes. Easy under.
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