Add a comment Read more Senonches 64: trainees impressions In: Training school level The second degree Educator CEL For teachers reviewed September 1964 Read more in Senonches: Training school level The second degree Educator CEL For teachers review in September 1964 more Freinet Pedagogy Course for teachers of Secondary education (schools and Colleges) first and second cycle in: Training school level the second degree Educator CEL for teachers review in June 1967 more Where am -I after my internship?

Pages, Bartholomew Profit, Freinet, Elise Freinet, L. Torcatis, Mr. Meunier, Mawet and Roger Lallemand more
1 result Results Liaison Bulletin master classes / children’s homes No. 7-8 – In 1960-1961: academic difficulty connecting Bulletin master classes for teachers review in May 1961 Authors: Bernard Montaclair Fernand Deligny Fernand Oury Vernet and Pierre Learn more
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8 Results Journals of course animated ICEM second degree by the second group degree of IDEM 44 – 26 and August 27, 2009 By Francois Perdrial the 29/08/09 – 10:36 In: Grand West Region> GD 44 – Loire- . Atlantic Gr second degree Course realized a grade> second degree Add comment 2 report attachments from the meeting of April 2 to 4, 2014 by Marjolaine Billebault on 19/04/14 – 3:08 p.m. in: Gr Doc. pay for homework
2d report Internship school level> second degree teaching techniques> literature This year, the meeting of the Workshop Doc2D held in Tours, in Commynes Philippe college where Mrs. Principale kindly offered us hospitality. Add a comment Read more Senonches 64: trainees impressions In: Training school level> The second degree Educator CEL For teachers reviewed September 1964 Read more in Senonches: Training school level> The second degree Educator CEL For teachers review in September 1964 more Freinet Pedagogy Course for teachers of Secondary education (schools and Colleges) first and second cycle in: Training school level> the second degree Educator CEL for teachers review in June 1967 more Where am -I after my internship? In: Training school level> The second degree Educator CEL For teachers reviewed October 1978 Author: Colette Dulaur More The course second degree in Laroquebrou: Training school level> The second degree Educator CEL For teachers review in October 1978 more side of the second degree, it moves in: Training school level> second degree French Gossip for teachers review in January 1988 CAUDURO self-manager Dating Read more
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2 Results GR Internship 59/62 – preparation of the Congress – author Children By Sylvie Hospitel on 11/01/11 – 3:11 p.m. In: Nord Pas-de-Calais> GD 59 – Northern Region Nord Pas-de-Calais > GD 62 – Pas-de-Calais Gr ICEM Congress Preparation> 2011 Villeneuve d’Ascq Course dates:. 04/07/11 – 10:00 – 06/07/11 – 16:00 Location: Mons-en -Baroeul Groupe Concorde 41 rue Vincent 59370 Mons en Baroeul 03 20 April 11 21 59/62 Site Add comment Stage – GR 59/62 – preparation of the Congress – the child author by Sylvie Hospitel on 11/01/11 – in 2:53 p.m.. Nord Pas de Calais> GD 59 – North Nord Pas-de-Calais Region> GD 62 – Pas-de-Calais Gr ICEM Congress Preparation> 2011 Villeneuve d’Ascq Course dates: 21/02/11 – 10:00 – 23/02/11 – 16:00 Location: Nature Education Center Houtland – WORMHOUT (59) internship Grid registration Form itinerary and map Add comment
1 result Results binding Bulletin of I.M.P masters. and Perf classes. Special (October 1968) In: academic difficulty connecting Bulletin master classes for teachers review in October 1968 Freinet The Cooperative Institute of Modern School and the Committee on Childhood Not suitable Authors: Bernard Montaclair Fernand Deligny Fernand Oury Vernet and Pierre Learn more
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2 Results How I work in my class In: The slice of life Educator CEL For teachers review French> Reading-Writing Math Teaching Techniques> Evaluation> masterpiece teaching techniques> calculation alive in April 1949 Authors: Arlette Bats, Henriette Galibert Jean Dutech and Sebbah more How are born in our albums: the Educator CEL For teachers review teaching techniques> free text> album of children in December 1952 Author: Henriette Galibert more
1 result Results To improve the child’s style In: The Educator CEL For teachers review teaching techniques> Free text February 1952 Authors: Andre Guerineau and Bourlier More
2 Results Meeting GD 59/62, conference preparation morning / teaching the afternoon By Sylvie Hospitel on 11/01/11 – 3:06 p.m. In: Nord Pas-de-Calais> GD 59 – North Region North Pas-de-Calais> GD 62 – Pas-de-Calais Gr ICEM Congress Preparation> 2011 Villeneuve d’Ascq Meeting dates: 04/06/11 – 09:30 – 16:00 Location:. Caution – change address – Armentieres Caution – change of address in the class Charline – Armentieres SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN LEO LAGRANGE 148 LEO LAGRANGE AVENUE 59280 ARMENTIERES March 61 June 79 76 or 06 89 45 40 75 59/62 Site Add comment GD Meeting 59 / 62 – preparation of the Congress and educational meeting by Sylvie Hospitel on 11/01/11 – 15:00 in: Nord Pas-de-Calais> GD 59 – Northern Region Nord Pas-de-Calais> GD 62 – Pas-de- Calais Gr ICEM Congress Preparation> 2011 Villeneuve d’Ascq Meeting dates:. 26/03/11 – 09:30 – 16:00 Location: Dunkirk in classes Nathalie (GST-PS) e Does Jean Marc (CM1, CM2) Ecole Victor Hugo 76 Street 59240 fishermen Dunkirk March 28 69 34 17 Site 59/62 Add Comment
1 result Results AWARDS – PENALTIES – NOTES – CLASSIFICATION In: The Educator CEL For teachers teaching journal Techniques> Evaluation May 1953 Author: J. Courty Read more
5 Results The Ajuda No. 35 In: The Ajuda edited by a Departmental Group For teachers review> Summary French> Scripture-reading teaching techniques> presentation, child educational conference Techniques> Free text September 1993 Authors: Christian Montcriol Claire Ripouteau, Florence Saint-Luc, Michel Gaillard, Michael Migliaccio, Patrick Aslanian, Renee Montano and Sylvain Hannebique more One-week language study in: the New Educator PEMF for teachers French magazine November 1992 the practice described below must situate in the overall operation of the classroom, cooperative operation where expression and communication activities are regulated by a cooperative organization of work and life. In prior to the French study work are therefore assumed various written productions (number, theme, type, shape …). The main one is the practice of free text. Reference may be made to the definition of P. Clanche in “L’Enfant writer” in Paidos / Centurion and in particular the paragraph on five invariants of free text or read “Why how free text” (Editions PEMF). Author: Sylvain Hannebique More Towards a natural method of learning the language in: The New Educator PEMF For teachers teaching French magazine Principles> natural method January 2000 The expression, creation, production is first and last. They entrench the power that each builds on the language, his thoughts, his actions, his inner world in the midst of others.

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