The particular Fight To Eliminate Wikipedia’s Gender Prejudice
The particular Fight To Eliminate Wikipedia’s Gender Prejudice
Wikipedia has more than two hundred and 80 languages, including a Simple English edition, and related projects include a book, quotations, books, manuals, and medical reference sources, and a news services (see sister projects ). Many of these are maintained, updated, and handled by separate communities, and often consist of information and articles that can be difficult to find through other common sources.
Our best articles are called Featured Content (and display a small star within the upper right corner of the article), and our second best rate of articles are designated Great Articles However , this is a process and may take months or years to become achieved through the concerted effort associated with editors.
Archived from the original (PDF) upon November 22, 2009. Archived from the original upon March 16, 2006. Retrieved 26 Feb 2015. Today, you can find Wikipedias in over 250 dialects. Nearby embassy – For Wikipedia-related conversation in languages other than English. The Germanic Languages.
The attrition rates for publishers in English Wikipedia, by sharpened comparison, were cited as peaking in 2007 at approximately fifty, 000 editors, which has dropped in order to 30, 000 editors as of the beginning of 2014. “It’s a Wiki, Wiki World” Period Retrieved February 22, 2008.
Archived from the original (PDF) upon November 22, 2009. Archived from the original upon March 16, 2006. Retrieved 26 Feb 2015. Today, you can find Wikipedias in over 250 dialects. Nearby embassy – For Wikipedia-related conversation in languages other than English. The Germanic Languages.